So what marketing lessons can I pass on from the game of BUNCO I just played with my neighborhood friends?
Each month, about 16 of us get together to catch up on each other’s lives and to try to roll dice in order to win up to 50 whole dollars. I won last month and bought a Starbuck’s mug to commemorate the rare occurence. I’ve been playing for five years and that was the first time I won.
I think the whole idea of new media is that it is social…just like throwbacks including neighborhood BUNCO.
We all lead extremely busy lives and yearn for the old days when neighborhood get-togethers and BBQs were the order of the day. And we can achieve a similar feel with social networks. We can say “hi,” catch up on life, check in despite how busy our everyday lives are.
So even though the Internet is perceived by some to be impersonal, I think it’s actually allowing some of the intimacy that we used to enjoy when our lives were much less hectic and scattered. So if you can’t join a local BUNCO group, go online. Oh, right, you already are.