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Bowling for Business: How to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Business
(This column first appeared on on December 19, 2011.) One of my family’s Christmas Eve traditions is a White Elephant Gift Exchange. For the uninitiated, the cruel process goes something like this: Purchase a gift worth $5. Wrap it up so it looks...

Bowling for Business—KISS to Keep Biz on the Hill
(This column first appeared on on December 4, 2011.) As soon as winter weather blew into Lake Arrowhead, I started experiencing insomnia. For weeks, I tossed and turned, double- and triple-checked the thermostat and added blankets to our bed, all to...
Bowling for Business: Don’t Just Do Something; Stand There!
(This column first appeared on on November 6, 2011.) One of the reasons we moved to Lake Arrowhead is because we love the snow. But dealing with it poses a myriad of associated problems, including (but not limited to) getting stuck on mountain roads....
Bowling for Business: Are Social Media Coupons Good for Business?
(This column first appeared on on October 23, 2011.) I love spending time with our daughters and their boyfriends and friends and our granddaughter. But I must admit that, on Sunday afternoons, after a weekend of preparing meals, cleaning,...
Bowling for Business: Party on with Pay Per Click
(This column first appeared on on October 9, 2011.) I enjoy hosting parties. But I have to be honest. It isn’t so much that I like to prepare food, decorate the house and entertain guests as it is I love having an excuse to get my family on board...
Bowling for Business: Back to Basics—Five Reasons You Should Blog
(This column first appeared on on September 26, 2011.) While we were in junior high school, my best friend Susan and I loved to bake. Unfortunately, we usually pursued culinary odysseys at my house instead of hers. And, because my mother was single...
Bowling for Business: Getting Your Advertising Feet Wet
(This column first appeared on on September 12, 2011.) My family and I survived another move. Although we're still unpacking boxes and, in the process, have uncovered more junk than the professional organizers on Hoarders, things are finally...
Bowling for Business: When it comes to social media, what qualifies as TMI?
(This column first appeared on on August 15, 2011.) Long before anyone realized the potential business applications, I created a Facebook account to reconnect with high school friends. The official label for those of us who signed up before anyone...
Bowling for Business: Share and Share Alike
(This column first appeared on on July 31, 2011.) As an only child, I was a little late to the sharing party. Playing at home, there was no need to go halves or wait my turn. So when my classmate, Charlotte, grabbed the Colorforms from me during...
Bowling for Business: The Rules of the Mobile Road
(This column first appeared on on July 18, 2011.) Overall, I'm a very safe driver. In fact, if you ask my kids, they'll eagerly tell you how irritating it is that I so closely follow the rules of the road. I drive the speed limit, observe stop signs,...
Bowling for Business: Digital Identity
(This column first appeared on on July 3, 2011.) In the checkout line at Costco recently, one of the customer service members noticed that the contents of my cart could feed a small country. So he suggested I upgrade my membership to executive...
Bowling for Business: Instead of slashing prices, add value
(This column first appeared on June 19, 2011.) For the past two years, we have bitten the financial bullet in order to buy annual passes to Disneyland for family Christmas gifts. Selecting the handy dandy interest-free monthly installment option, we don't buy the...