Micro-blogging So as I grow more comfortable with blogging and micro-blogging, I've ventured out lately to post comments on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Today's LinkedIn E-Marketing Group discussion interested me because the first post was written by a guy who...
Social Networking
Twitter Me Confused
So, at first, this whole social media thing was intriguing. I took some time to sign up for a few social media networking sites, in an effort to learn the medium so I could share my findings with clients. But no sooner had I started trying to locate these sites than I...
Life in 3-D
I just got back from a PRSA seminar. For the uninitiated, that is a professional networking group for public relations' practitioners where people actually sometimes meet in the flesh instead of over bits of data on the Internet. While I was there, I ran into several...
BUNCO to Blogging
So what marketing lessons can I pass on from the game of BUNCO I just played with my neighborhood friends? Each month, about 16 of us get together to catch up on each other's lives and to try to roll dice in order to win up to 50 whole dollars. I won last month and...